Food intolerances in dogs: causes and treatments

Food intolerances in dogs: causes and treatments

Food intolerances in dogs

How do you know if your dog has food intolerance? Knowing the causes of these disorders will undoubtedly help you prevent and treat them. To do this, it is essential to evaluate your dog’s behaviour and health from time to time. Moreover, it is recommended that you make a regular visit to the veterinarian to closely monitor your dog’s state of health. It is also more prudent to give your dog lower risk and quality food.

What is food intolerance in a dog?

First of all, it is important to know that there is a difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance. Allergy is a kind of pathology that occurs as a result of sensitization to allergens. These can come from the dog’s environment but especially from his food. This allergy manifests itself by skin problems such as: the appearance of pimples, patches or itching on your dog’s skin. It is also possible that he may lose his hair. That’s why it’s very important to check your dog’s food before feeding it. The food must be safe for your dog. To feed your pet properly, a hypoallergenic dog food remains the best idea because it is guaranteed allergen-free. As for intolerance, this is a mismatch between the quality and/or quantity of his food and his digestive capacities. A dog’s food intolerance then manifests itself by digestive disorders such as transient digestive insufficiency, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting or others.

What are the causes?

A dog’s food intolerance is mainly caused either by the quantity of its food, or by the quality, or by both. Your pet may have ingested a very large quantity and have difficulty digesting it properly. If, on the other hand, your dog shows symptoms of an allergy, the causes may be due to the components of his food. In general, the most common allergens are dairy products, chicken, meat, corn and sometimes even soy. Your dog may also be intolerant to eggs, beef and certain vegetables. In any case, the best way to find out for sure is to consult a veterinarian.

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Our tips for preventing and treating them

It is obvious that to prevent food allergies and intolerances in your dog, you need to be careful when choosing his food. You must choose healthy, quality food such as hypoallergenic dog food. It is also better to choose organic and natural foods. It is also advisable to give your dog food supplements to strengthen his body and immune system.

READ also :  Taking care of Pets with Hypoallergenic Problems

It is also preferable to approach an animal nutritionist to advise you on your dog’s diet. To treat these problems, follow the treatments recommended by your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will prescribe medication based on the symptoms your dog is experiencing. Your veterinarian will also be able to tell you the amount, frequency and duration of treatment. In short, consider your veterinarian as your best ally as an advisor.

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