The Longdog: character, education, health, price

The Longdog: character, education, health, price

In France, it is almost unknown, but in the United States, it has a certain popularity. The Longdog is one of the recent canine breeds resulting from a cross between several sighthounds. Their slender body and long, narrow head do not deceive about their origins, not to mention their agility, speed and endurance.

Characteristics of the Longdog

Talking about the Longodog is more or less complex since it has no standard and is not recognized by any canine authority. It is one of the recent breeds of dogs resulting from crossbreeding undertaken by man. Since the animal’s appearance differs from one subject to another, it is difficult to describe its real physical characteristics. But one thing is certain: the Longdog has all the typical traits of a sighthound. Its body and long legs prove that it is indeed part of this large canine family renowned for its speed in racing events. The Longdog also has a rather long and narrow head with eyes neither too big nor too small and a stretched nose. The ears are also of medium size. If some subjects have a short coat, others may have a long coat. Colours also vary from one species to another.

History of the Longdog breed

The Longdog is a breed resulting from a cross between the Greyhound and other sighthounds such as the Whippet, the Saluki or the Deerhound. The choice of hybridization is made according to the qualities sought in the animal. Thus, the cross between Greyhound and Saluki allows for example to obtain an enduring, dynamic and fast dog. By crossing the Greyhound and the Whippet, one obtains a Longdog developing tenacity, a strong acceleration as well as a capacity of fast recovery. Finally, the association between the Deerhound and the Greyhound results in a breed capable of hunting deer, fox, wild boar, hare and rabbit. The Longdog is native to Ireland and enjoys a certain recognition especially in Anglo-Saxon countries. In France, it remains particularly rare.

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The Longdog: character, education, health, price

Necessary living conditions and behaviour of the Longdog

The Longdog is considered an excellent pet with many qualities. It is both very affectionate towards its masters in addition to being gentle and sociable. It is not an aggressive or hyperactive animal, which is why it can evolve in families even with children. Nevertheless, it is always advisable to keep a close eye on the animal when it is with the little blond heads to avoid any accidents. Being able to adapt to all environments, the Longdog does not like solitude which can cause anxiety in him. Being a greyhound, he needs regular physical exercise.

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Diet and main health problems of the Longdog

In general, the Longdog is a robust dog. However, he is sometimes subject to certain diseases such as gastric torsion, osteosarcoma which is a kind of bone cancer affecting big-boned dogs, autoimmune thyroiditis or cardiomyopathy. This dog is also sensitive to heat, which can cause exhaustion.

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