What to do with a dog that constantly pulls on the leash

What to do with a dog that constantly pulls on the leash

Dog walks quickly become a hassle when the dog pulls on the leash. However, this accessory is very important for the ultimate control and protection of the animal and its entourage. Focus on solutions to teach your dog to walk properly on a leash.

How to make your dog stop pulling its leash?

To teach a dog to walk on a leash, it is essential to train him regularly. The goal is to make him understand that he should not pull during walks, by giving him commands. The dog is trained with two or three words accompanied by the appropriate gestures and tone. Patience is required until he learns to do so. It is important to resist when he pulls on the leash, but not to pull in the opposite direction. Otherwise, he will tend to pull more and the exercises will not work. We recommend using an elastic leash. The leash retracts when the dog pulls.

To make the exercise easier, you can hold dog treats in your hands for your dog to follow. This technique is very effective. Don’t forget to reward and pet your dog from time to time. You can also use specific accessories such as a pull collar or a training harness. It is important to learn the proper techniques for their use, otherwise the animal may be injured. It is recommended to use a shock absorbing dog leash.

Amazing Dog Hacks

Why does a dog pull its leash?

It’s common for a puppy to pull on its leash when walking. The reason for this is probably that he is not yet used to walking with this type of dog accessory. After a few outings and a good training, the problem does not persist. A dog, on the other hand, only pulls his leash when he feels uncomfortable. For example, his paws hurt after he has walked a certain distance. He can’t keep up with his owner’s pace. He prefers to run or walk faster. It is advisable to train him so that he can adapt to the steps of the walker and not the opposite. Sometimes, he pulls his leash to show his fear, when he feels in danger.

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The outdoor environment stimulates the dog’s senses. He is attracted to new smells. He often smells his fellow dogs and tries to approach them by pulling his leash. In addition, he has a desire for freedom and a willingness to explore. He will run around to discover what is around him. The dog’s lively playfulness during the walk is quite normal. However, an overreaction expresses that he locks himself up too often and wants to enjoy his walk. To remedy this behavior, simply take him out regularly. Taking your dog for a walk also refines the relationship between him and his owner. As a result, the dog will be less likely to want to wander off and play elsewhere by pulling on his leash.


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